Buy your yearbook today!
Welcome to AOC's main Yearbook website, where you can keep up with announcements, submit photos, and ask us questions!
The earlier you buy a book, the more bang for your buck you can get!
Buy your Yearbook!
Yearbooks are currently priced at $65- make sure to buy your yearbook as soon as possible as prices will increase soon!
Bring exact cash or a check made out to Academy of the Canyons
Sibling Pages
This year's yearbook team is creating personalized spots in the yearbook for the siblings of AOC! Do you and your sibling want a personalized spot in the yearbook?
You can buy:
1/4 pages for $25
Reserve yours now.
Senior Tributes
Senior Tributes are still on sale! Senior tributes are pages in our yearbook filled with photos and messages dedicated to your senior. Make this yearbook extra special for your child with a thoughtful message!
The current pricing for senior tributes pages are as follows:
Quarter Page: $25
Half Page: $50
Full Page: $100
Spread/2 Pages: $200
Please fill out the google form below if you are interested in buying a senior tribute.
The deadline for ordering Senior Tributes will be Thursday, December 2, 2021.
Once your response has been received, the yearbook staff will communicate with you through our email, aocyearbook@hartdistrict.org on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and select Fridays. Information about payment, tribute message, and tribute photos will follow.
Space is limited, so first come, first serve.